Nikki has created a collection of images celebrating the four seasons, and we will be charting them all to give away in our cross-stitch pattern collection.
The first has been released, Lady of Winter (it does feel cold right now, so it’s quite apt!). We think it’s a beautiful image and chart. During conversion, Nikki checked how the pattern looked in pattern keeper, and for this one, stitched an area of the face as we were not happy with a colour conversion. So the offending colour was hand replaced in the pattern design software to something which fit better.
So our process is;
1) We just let our imaginations and creative juices go wild and create a LOT of digital artwork. We mainly use open source 3rd party tools, which include AI artwork generation using Stable Diffusion.
2) We then select the very best images (in our opinion), and convert them into PDF patterns (Pattern Keeper compatible) using WinStitch (found here).
3) Visual check – do the patterns look ‘right’, are colours correct?
4) Pattern Keeper check – does the pattern load into Pattern Keeper correctly, and what does the mock image look like?
5) Load into this website – and GIVE IT AWAY!
So it does take a while from initial creation to release, but it’s fun and a hobby (not a job!), so we hope you enjoy the results. Read more about us here.
Happy stitching! Nikki and Kristian.