
Nikki Stitches was created to showcase and sell the amazing unique cross-stitch designs made by Nikki Brown, a well-known British cross-stitcher and flosstube video maker.  All the x-stitch designs are from digital artwork created by both Nikki and her husband Kristian, and cannot be found anywhere else, then converted to cross-stitch using DMC colours and at different sizes and number of colours to give more options to the dedicated stitcher.

All designs are supplied in Pattern Keeper compatible PDF’s, so you can either print them out, view on screen, or load into the Pattern Keeper app to help track your progress just like Nikki does.

We have decided not to sell the charts, so they are all available FREE OF CHARGE.  To help cover hosting costs, you can make donations through the website, but don’t feel that you have to!  

We run this website as a hobby, and a way to share Nikki’s joy of cross stitch and digital art in the form of her patterns, which she does sew herself of course! You’ll see updates on her YouTube channel.


Please always pay for artwork where an artist has spent time creating it – and don’t buy sewing patterns where you cannot see that the original artist has agreed / licensed their artwork to be used.  The digital and AI artwork we have created for these patterns is created by us, but we do not charge for the patterns, as we would rather your money go to professional artists.  Long live original art!


1) We just let our imaginations and creative juices go wild and create a LOT of digital artwork. We mainly use open source 3rd party tools, which include AI artwork generation using Stable Diffusion.

2) We then select the very best images (in our opinion), and convert them into PDF patterns (Pattern Keeper compatible) using WinStitch (found here).

3) Visual check – do the patterns look ‘right’, are colours correct?

4) Pattern Keeper check – does the pattern load into Pattern Keeper correctly, and what does the mock image look like?

5) Load into this website – and GIVE IT AWAY!

So it does take a while from initial creation to release, but it’s fun and a hobby (not a job!), so we hope you enjoy the results. 

Nikki B crafter

Nikki B
Stitcher & Digital Artist

An avid cross-stitcher with many finishes and many more WIPs. Digital artist and Flosstuber with some 4k followers who watch her stitch and share her cross stitch tips and tricks.

Web Guru & digital artist

Stash buyer and web guy. Been creating websites since 1994 when it was all notepad and dial-up internet. Has been dabbling in 3d and digital art just as long. Software developer by day.