We totally get it – you’re worried that our cross-stitch patterns won’t stitch-up very well, and it’s going to be a hard lesson to learn if they don’t – what with wasted fabric and threads and TIME! Surely totally free patterns to download cannot be any good? What’s the catch? Well please don’t worry – […]
Author Archives: Kristian
Nikki has created a collection of images celebrating the four seasons, and we will be charting them all to give away in our cross-stitch pattern collection. The first has been released, Lady of Winter (it does feel cold right now, so it’s quite apt!). We think it’s a beautiful image and chart. During conversion, Nikki […]
Here is Nikki’s very popular parking guide – so if you’ve every fancied learning how to park in your cross stitch projects, watch this and hopefully it will help give you the confidence to give it a go!
Nikki and Hubby Kristian are pleased to be able to welcome all cross-stitch fans to their new little home on the internet, where will be sharing (FOR FREE) our unique cross-stitch designs. We have both been into our digital art for many years, owning a copy of Photoshop since the mid 90’s, and Kristian has […]
Nikki’s December stitching update on her popular Flosstube channel. Her monthly updates take you through the projects she has worked on that month, and plans for coming months.